Okt 7, 2020
Exprodesk in collaboration with Ms. Jourainne Wever and Ms. Thayisa Farro from Grant Thornton organized the webinar “Taxation for the Creative Industry”. This Webinar covered the following topics: Corporate structures in use (Sole
proprietorship, Foundations, VBA, NV and General Partnerships); Your business and taxation; Personal income tax: By whom? On what?; Personal income tax: how is it calculated?; Corporate income tax for entities established or taxable presence in
Aruba; Corporate income tax: payment on return system (VAS); BBO/BAZV/BAVP: By who? On what? On what amount?; Special tax regimes; Free Zone regime: qualifying activities; 10% regime: qualifying activities; Export and taxation-BBO/BAZV/BAVP: supply of goods, rendering of services, export exemption: supply of goods, exempt services, small business regulation, Sole Proprietorship, VBA, NV, Foundations; Implications for you and lastly, International developments: e-commerce.